-Magnesium L-Threonate
-Supports Memory and Learning*
-Promotes Brain Health*
Magnesium (Mg) is an essential mineral best known for its role in bone and nervous system function.* Recent research has demonstrated that it is also critical for normal brain health and normal cognitive function by maintaining the density and stability of neuronal synapses.* However, most forms of Mg are not easily absorbed into the nervous system.* Magtein® is a patented form of Mg that readily crosses the blood-brain barrier for utilization in the brain.* Laboratory studies indicate that Magtein® supports brain health and may facilitate learning and memory, as well as a relaxed mood.*
Magtein® is protected under a family of US patents, pending patents, and is protected worldwide. Magtein® is a trademark of Magceutics®, Inc. and is distributed exclusively by AIDP, Inc.
Za šta je najbolji magnezijum treonat?
Magnezijum L-treonat se često koristi za svoje potencijalne koristi za mozak i može pomoći pri određenim poremećajima mozga, kao što su depresija, Alchajmerova bolest i gubitak pamćenja u vezi sa godinama.
Šta Magtein radi za vas?
Kao najbiodostupniji oblik magnezijuma za mozak, svakodnevno uzimanje Magetina® može poboljšati vaše pamćenje, kognitivne funkcije i raspoloženj što sve to doprinosi srećnom, zdravom i kvalitetnijem životu.
Broj doza po pakovanju: 30
Sastav po serviranju (3 kapsule):
Magnesium (elemental)
(from 2,000 mg Magtein® Magnesium L-Threonate)
(Magnesium L-Threonate) |
2g (2000mg) |
PAKOVANJE: 90 Veg. kapsula.
UPOTREBA: Tri kapsule dnevno. Jedna kapsula ujutru i dve kapsule pre spavanja.